In this world of numerous email hacks and must-have productivity tools, we search for the best and latest way to increase productivity at work. As employees, we always intend to achieve more in less time. Also, with increased productivity, we want to generate more yield from fewer resources. To track your productivity level and performance, we need to use a productivity calculator.
Table of Content:
- What is an email productivity calculator?
- Why do we need to calculate productivity for emails?
- How to measure email productivity?
- Productivity Resources
–Email Management Software
–Benchmarks and targets - Conclusion
What is an email productivity calculator?

Productivity calculator accurately measures that how much revenue a company can generate from a given amount of inputs. Well, we know productivity means different aspects in different contexts. You can find out the number of your outputs but not the quality.
For example, if you finish writing 100 emails in 3 hours and your team takes 6 hours for the same work. The outputs are the same but you have saved way more time! Thus you’re said to be more productive than your team.
Why do we need to calculate productivity for emails?
A survey shows that more than half of the working professionals in America waste at least one hour inefficiently per day just pondering over the content of the email. This is why we need to streamline the inboxes, identify the inefficiency while writing/managing emails, and stay on top of our daily tasks.
Using a productivity calculator, you analyze how effective your investments in your inboxes are to reach your goals. Hence, when we calculate productivity, we can devise a path that includes the best email management strategies as time goes on.
Keep in mind that you practice proper administration of the resources like time, time, and money to perform a task. Productivity calculator plays a vital role in measuring business performance. When you measure activity, you can draw a clear picture of email management tools.
How to measure productivity for inbox?
Many factors can control your inbox productivity, like a business economy, competition, etc. However, you can never manage the number of emails you get every day, but you can measure your performance to handle them efficiently.
You can track individual performance or your team performance through simple calculations. To measure employee productivity with labor productivity equation is total output/total input.
Example for Calculating Email Productivity
Let’s say you completed writing 2800 emails by utilizing your one week at different hours. To calculate your productivity, you would divide 2800 by 7. This means your productivity comes out to be 400 emails per day.
If your team of 10 employees completed 2800 emails in one week. To calculate email productivity, you would divide 2800 by 10. This comes to be 280 emails per day. This is your team’s email productivity.

How to Measure Efficiency with Quantity for Accurate Productivity
But productivity only tells us the quantity of work done using several resources. To find out the quality of the emails, you need to find out the efficiency. Together with increased productivity and efficient email management, you can achieve your desired aim.
To find out the efficiency, you need to divide standard labor hours by the actual hours invested and multiply by 100. The closer the value gets to 100, the more efficient the email management system you run and the more effective employees are.
For example, for a specific email task, the standard labor hours required are 160 and the actual time worked is 200. You would divide 160 by 200 and multiply by 100. The efficiency comes out to be 80%.

As you compare productivity and efficiency, these are different ratios that determine your email management. Both of them calculate your overall productivity while keeping quantity and quality in mind.
Productivity Resources
Many employers look deep into productivity tools so that if they are producing, it costs business less to achieve the same results. Similarly, to manage emails, you look for email management tools that can reduce your inbox stress and therefore increase work productivity.
1. Email Management Software
You can use Mailman to declutter your inbox and write effective emails for increasing efficiency in work. It offers effective email management services like “VIP Alerts,” “Do Not Disturb,” “Unlimited Blocking,” and “Custom Delivery.” With this, you can run better email management for increased productivity. Work less, cultivate more!
2. Benchmarks and targets
Email management tasks already establishes that a person shouldnot spend more than an hour on emails; this is the standard benchmark across industries. It is essential for the process. Once you set models, you can do the target setting for your work. While in email management, you don’t have much control over the number of emails you receive every day. It seems unrealistic so that you may lower the targets.
Productivity calculator is awesome
Calculating the productivity and efficiency is easy. But to improve results, you need to use good management as using productivity resources. Also, you can increase the outputs at the same time with fewer efforts and investments. Minimize your time wastage so that managing your tasks can no longer be a tiresome task to you. Hence, make sure that you use time efficiently such that it results in positive outputs for your productivity goals.
“Productivity = total output / total input” is the simplest way to calculate productivity.
Productivity calculation per hour: productivity = revenue / number of hours.
The productivity ratio is a quantifiable number that measures production during a specific period.
1. Multifactor productivity (MFP), which measures the growth in value added output per unit of labour and capital input used.
2. Labour productivity (LP), which measures the growth in value added output per unit of labour used.