Inbox zero is a goal that all email users have. This common goal has many inbox zero solutions. And the most desirable solution must take the least of our time and effort. Thus the best inbox zero solution will let us focus on our tasks while achieving a clutter free inbox with no manual work. Here we have 3 handpicked email management softwares that will lead you to inbox zero in a few clicks!
3 best inbox zero solutions with automation

These 3 email management apps are your best and hassle free way to achieve inbox zero. With the automation of these inbox zero solutions, your email inbox will reach inbox zero with no extra effort.
1. Mailman– the best app for inbox zero solutions
Mailman is the best email management softwares out there and is hence our top pick. It is an email assistant that combines a set of tools to literally tame your inbox, organize the time we spend on it. With all the emails in your inbox, it lets you select from among that information tangle, the important messages and at what time you want to read them. These qualities and more, make Mailman one of the best inbox zero solutions.
This email management app helps you manage inbox messages efficiently. It shields you from unimportant emails and thereby increases productivity and avoids distractions during work. Mailman is a paid email management app, but you can freely access it for 21 days.
Features of this app for inbox zero solutions:
- This email management solution has a ‘Do not disturb’ feature that halts email notifications for a while and gives you a break from them.
- It allows you to schedule a time slot where you can receive all your email notifications together. These Delivery Slots are one of the best inbox zero solutions.
- Another feature of this email management app is that it enables us to block unwanted emails, subscriptions, and newsletters. This Blocked List is also delivered to you at the end of the day as a digest to make sure that no relevant email is blocked.
- Mailman has a VIP list that allows you to easily access and save important senders, keywords, and domains in it. Emails sent from this list will be delivered to you asap.
- Mailman is one of the safest email management software as inbox zero solutions. It reads only the sender’s subject, address, and the specific date and time of the email communication. This makes Mailman a secure and perfectly safe email management app to use. It does not store any data and provides you with your own space for safe and proper communication.
- All these features can be easily used for your Gmail inbox, enabling seamless activity between the softwares. This inbox zero solutions also ensures that you do not have to leave your Google universe to reach inbox zero.
2. Leave me Alone
Unsubscribing for newsletters and other subscriptions is the easiest email management strategy. Leave Me Alone uses that tip as inbox zero solutions. It lets you unsubscribe from emails automatically and with a single click. You can see all of your subscriptions, newsletters, and spam emails in one place, favorite senders you want to keep, set a reminder to scan again, and more.
Features of this app for inbox zero solutions:
- Easily unsubscribe from newsletters, etc.
- It creates a separate folder for all your newsletters, spams and subscriptions, thus helping you go through these unimportant emails.
- Set reminders to go through your spam folder to ensure you haven’t missed out on an important email.
- You can connect multiple email addresses to unsubscribe from.
- You can also use the Rollups feature which are personalized collections of your favorite newsletters, sent as a single email.
3. Newton Mail
Newton mail is another reliable email management app. It easily tracks mails and can be used with all mail accounts for managing inbox, and it suits all devices ranging from Android, iPhone, Mac to Windows. This is one of the best inbox zero solutions because it automatically removes unnecessary emails.
Features of this app for inbox zero solutions:
- Newton Mail has a ‘double tick’ feature that turns blue if the recipient reads the emails you have sent.
- It has a recap feature that automatically notifies messages or conversations that you need to reply to or need a follow-up action.
- This email management app automatically removes unwanted emails and newsletters and helps manage inbox free from distractions.
- It easily allows you to shift and save assignment tasks to an outside app like EverNote or OneNote with just a click.
- Schedule your emails to land in the recipient’s inbox at just the right time.
Choose the best inbox zero solutions for you!
The best inbox zero solutions are the ones that take the least of our efforts and let us focus on the tasks that really matter. Though there are many email management tips that one can use, these take up a lot of our time. Hence these automation apps for email management are our savior for a clutter free email inbox.
1. Use email management softwares like Mailman.
2. Set email management schedules to spend less time in your inbox.
3. Organize your emails using filters and folders.
4. Delete your spam folder regularly.
5. Unsubcribe from newsletters and spam to reduce incoming emails.
Merlin Mann introduced the concept of inbox zero as a way to control your overflowing inbox without wasting too much time.
1. Delete spam folder.
2. Change spam filters regularly.
3. Unsubscribe from newsletters and spam.
4. Delete emails that are old and irrelevant to empty your inbox.
Store the emails in a separate folder and schedule timings to go through this folder. As you open each email, make sure you delete or archive or reply to each immediately.
1. Open Gmail.
2. Select the inbox tab you want to clear out (Primary, Promotions, etc.)
3. Click the small empty box in the top left corner, just above the Compose button.
4. Click the Delete or Trash icon.