Running after better productivity is one thing that we all do in our daily lives, no matter what we do. Getting stuck in this productivity pit is a thing that we need to avoid at all costs to succeed in every task that we undertake. To take care of the same, here are 5 prime tips to get yourself out of this rut and get back on track.
5 tips to get out of the productivity pit

Getting out of the productivity pit can be as easy as changing a few habits in your day-to-day life. Here are 5 tips to change your productivity goals around!
1. Get rid of distractions to get out of the productivity pit
Knowing how to do deep work involves understanding the one main foundation. Deep work is set upon creating a distraction-free environment during deep work. Distractions like social media notifications, emails, etc deter our productivity like nothing else. This in turn ruins time efficiency too. With the distraction-free environment created during deep work, one can use this work method as a tool for productivity.
Actionable tip to help you get out of the productivity pit
Choose the right time and place for your deep work sessions. Early morning or late nights are usually the best time to find peace and quiet for some work, especially now in the settings of remote work. If you’re amongst the ones who work from office, booking the conference room for a deep work session could be exactly what you need to know how to do deep work.
2. Unplug for better deep work
A text, a call, an email is all it needs for our brains to get interrupted and distracted from work. Putting our notifications off and focusing on the task at hand is an important productivity tool. Since interruptions also increase the amount of time taken to complete a task, they form a major obstacle. Knowing how to get out of the productivity pit and creating the right schedule can greatly increase time efficiency.
Actionable tip to help you get out of the productivity pit
Unplugging is easy but what about urgent emails that you might miss? The VIP list feature in Mailmanhq will be your savior. Using email management apps like Mailmanhq can help you unplug without feeling any guilt of knowing how to do deep work.
3. Shut the email inbox
Emails are an important means of communication in the corporate world. But these tend to distract us over and over from our tasks at hand. Thus they form a huge obstacle during our deep work sessions. Putting the notifications off is an easy way of warding off emails and getting out of the productivity pit.
Actionable tip to help you get out of the productivity pit
Email management apps like Mailmanhq can help us in this. This app has a feature called VIP list which makes sure that only urgent emails ask for our attention. Thus it helps us maintain our focus and is hence an important part of knowing how to do deep work.
4. Prioritize your focus
With the trend of digital detox in our midst, we have now started to take breaks from our constant distractions. As opposed to that we must strive to make focus our constant state of mind, and take breaks from it instead. Carl Newport suggests that we must “take breaks from focus, not from distraction.” This basically means that instead of blocking all distractions, we must try to control them instead to better understand how to get out of productivity pit.
Actionable tip to help you get out of the productivity pit
Setting a schedule for when we can use our devices and deciding to not use them otherwise, can help us put this to practice. This also helps us achieve better time efficiency.
5. Turn your notifications off
The various notifications we receive everyday like a text, a call, an email interrupts and distract us from work. Putting our notifications off and focusing on the task at hand is an important deep work rules for productivity. Since interruptions also increase the amount of time taken to complete a task, they form a major obstacle. Using productivity tips and a schedule can greatly increase time efficiency.
Actionable tip to help you get out of the productivity pit
But what about urgent emails that you might miss? The VIP list feature in Mailmanhq will be your saviour. That is one of the reasons why Mailmanhq is the best email management app.
Get out of the productivity pit
Finally, the above productivity tips are all you need to nail your productivity goals and get ready to win 2022 with peace of mind. Do check out our other blogs on time management and productivity to learn all that you need to succeed.
Efficiency affects productivity positively as high efficiency means tasks are done faster. Hence efficiency should be considered while calculating productivity.
Quite basically, Productivity = total output / total input
Efficiency is important as it saves time, resources as well as efforts while also improving productivity.
High productivity ensures higher work output and thus an increase in sales or revenue.