Performance at our workplace is one of the main factors affecting the trajectory of our professional careers. Work performance is primarily dependant on our productivity and how we use the time that we have. Here is a comprehensive list of 30 productivity tips for you to nail your work productivity.
30 tips for better work performance

These 30 tips for increased productivity will help you fix your productivity issues once and for all.
1. Get rid of distractions for better work performance
As more and more distractions catch our eye, the more often do we leave the task at hand to attend to the distraction. Thus we need to refocus our attention on the task every time we get distracted which lowers productivity. This also affects time efficiency as we take longer to complete our tasks. Hence dealing with distractions only after one’s work is done is the best of the 30 tips for productivity and better work performance.
2. Choose the Right Tools and Equipment for better work performance
Using the right email management softwares can help you raise your productivity levels as you stop worrying about managing your emails. Email management apps like Mailmanhq can help you manage too many emails as you focus on other important tasks. Shallow tasks like these should be automated using the right tools and equipment as a tool for productivity.
3. Set Realistic Goals
Gauging one’s capability helps one to set realistic, achievable goals. When we understand and realize that the goal we have set is possible, our work performance levels automatically increase to get that goal.
Achieving one’s set target at the end of the day also instills the feeling of satisfaction. This satisfaction with oneself and the efforts one has put in encourages us to continue this momentum. Thus a consistent rise in productivity can be achieved with these 30 tips for work performance.
4. Avoid multitasking
Doing too many things at once also makes us vulnerable to committing mistakes in all the tasks. You might hence have to go back to the task to correct your errors. This combined with the prolonged time taken by the tasks can harm your time efficiency and productivity. Hence avoiding multi-tasking as far as is possible is amongst this list of 30 tips for work performance.
5. When are you most productive?
Prioritizing tasks is an important tip for productivity. Your tasks should be set and prioritized such that the most important task is scheduled at a time when you are most alert. This time, typically, in the morning when our energy levels are at their highest. For some people, this time could be later at night or after a workout, or after a meal. Different people feel their best at different times of the day. Understanding which time of the day works best for you is an important step to improve work performance.
6. Turn off notifications
A text, a call, an email is all it needs for our brains to get interrupted and distracted from work. Putting our notifications off and focusing on the task at hand is an important tool amongst the 30 tips for work performance. But what about urgent emails that you might miss? The VIP list feature in Mailmanhq will be your saviour. That is one of the reasons why Mailmanhq is the best email management app.
7. Routines and rituals
Routines can work like magic when setting out on achieving increased work performance. With certain routines and rituals set up, one can motivate their brain to feel more focused and rewarded with better productivity.
The types of routines one chooses are limited only to the imagination. A few examples of such routines are:
- Choosing a specific place for better concentration and quiet at work
- Setting a particular time of the day for all your work sessions
- Writing down your goals for the day before you begin work for increased productivity
- Using stationary dedicated to your specific tasks
8. Play around with your routine sometimes
Changes as simple as changing the room in which you work or changing the time of your work can do wonders too. Or even huge changes like shifting your remote work sessions to a secluded place or a scenic place or even a hotel room can give you the change you desire. These changes are an important inclusion in the 30 tips for work performance.
9. Know when to take a break
The focus demanded by work might not require physical energy, but it does need mental strength. This demand can be very exhausting on our energy levels and hence rest is essential. Relaxing by walking through nature or listening to your favorite music or meditation, can help replenish your energy levels for better work performance. This much-needed rest will prepare you for further increased productivity.
10. Know yourself better
One of the main obstacles to achieving high productivity is setting unrealistic goals. If one wants to know how to increase work performance at your workplace, then one must know one’s own capabilities. Thus goal setting and understanding one’s target is necessary to get increased productivity.
11. Productivity calculator
Productivity calculator accurately measures how much revenue a company can generate from a given amount of inputs. Different areas of our work are affected by different tasks. Thus measuring our productivity in those tasks, helps us know how we can improve upon work performance. The following productivity calculator can tell you how well you are currently managing your emails and how much it affects your profits.
12. Productivity music for better work performance
Music is long known to improve work performance. This is primarily because of the relationship we have with music. Music has the power to manage and handle our anxieties thus helping us focus better on work. Here are some of our favorite playlists of productivity music.
- Classical Music (like piano pieces by Mozart)
- Video Game Soundtracks (like Extraction Point by Hans Zimmer)
- Nature Sounds (like rain sounds, sounds of birds, etc.)
- Motivational Songs (like Queen’s “We Will Rock You”, 2 Unlimited’s “Get Ready for This”, etc)
- Instrumental Songs (like Fields of Gold by Mio Camara, Where is my Mind by Javi Lobe, etc)
13. Podcasts for work performance
We all struggle with productivity alike. The most famous of personalities have the same productivity problems as ours. Various work performance podcasts are now available to hear and understand what is productivity and gain some productivity tips.
- The Productivityist Podcast
- Before Breakfast
- Beyond the To-Do List
- The Tim Ferriss Show
- Getting Things Done
- The 5 AM Miracle
- Hurry Slowly
- The ONE Thing
- The Paul Minors Podcast
- Happier with Gretchen Rubin
14. Chrome extensions that improve work performance
Apart from the tools for productivity, we mentioned earlier, various chrome extensions for productivity are also available. These work with your default browser and can be accessed while you use Chrome.
- Todoist
- Toggl
- RescueTime
- Buffer
- News Feed Eradicator for Facebook
- StayFocusd
- Momentum
- The Great Suspender
- Grammarly
- LastPass
15. Work performance apps for iphone
Various apps for productivity are available for iphone as well as for androids. Using these apps make it easier to improve productivity by a few taps on our mobile phones.
- OmniFocus
- Forest
- Things
- Any.Do
- PocketLife Calendar
- ToDoist
- Calendars 5
- Clear – Tasks, Reminders & To-Do Lists
- Due
- Checkmark 2
16. Get some sleep
It might seem counterintuitive but sleep has been proven to improve our work performance. Sleep is the only time throughout our days that allow our body and brain to relax. This is the time when the body tissues rejuvenate while your mind rests from the constant whirring of the day. Hence, a good night’s sleep also allows us to concentrate better while our brains stay awake and alert at the task at hand for better work performance.
17. Make the most of your spare time
Spare time like when we are commuting to work, or waiting for our bus or are in a grocery line, is often wasted doing nothing. These minutes can be put to good use by listening to a podcast or some music that puts you in a good mood. You’ll be grateful to yourself for using these tips for work performance and enjoying the smallest moments.
18. Time yourself for better work performance
We all have often grossly under or overestimated the amount of time some of our tasks take. This inaccuracy in estimations can mess up our whole day as we plan our tasks beforehand. This can be handled by timing yourself throughout your tasks. The smallest of tasks might be the ones eating away your time. Thus keeping a timer while you work can help you increase work performance.
19. Shut your email app down
Emails are seen to be the main distraction while we are work and the culprit for this is the open email app. Keeping the email app open gives way to constant pings of emails, half of which aren’t even of urgent importance. Thus keeping the app closed helps you choose the number of times you want to check your email inbox and helps you improve work performance.
20. Speak your mind for better work performance
Email and messages are necessary in the corporate world to allow seamless work. But oftentimes, these communication channels become the obstacles to increased productivity. Keeping your emails and messages short, while also using voice messages or even face-to-face meetings can save you ample time. Also, avoid CC-ing if possible to use these 30 tips for work performance.
21. Don’t Wait, Delegate
If it is determined that the email or task you’ve received is best suited in the hands of another, pass it along and move on to ensure better productivity as tasks get divided appropriately. Don’t be afraid to delegate, but make sure to check in at a later time.
22. Set boundaries for work performance
It is often assumed that productivity is all about getting loads of tasks done at whatever expense. But we often forget that this comes at the price of one’s exhaustion. To ensure consistent productivity, one must know how many tasks one can handle at their best capacity. Setting a boundary for ourselves as to how many tasks will feature on your to-do list is very important amongst the 30 tips for productivity.
23. Take it easy
We are all humans at the end of the day and we are bound to make mistakes. Though these mistakes can lead to a drop in productivity, this is no reason to lose heart. Staying strong through one’s struggles is the most important for work performance.
24. Prioritize your health
In this race of achieving increased productivity, it can be easy to forget our own selves. The constant anxiety and pressure of trying to be our best selves all the time can be exhausting when it comes to work performance. Incorporating healthy habits like exercising, walking and meditation can go a long way in taking care of yourself and your body.
25. Get started to improve work performance
The best of the 30 tips for productivity is to just get started. No matter how complex a task, just taking the first step can be enough to help you complete it. So all you need to do is to take that first step and see yourself on a productivity roll!
26. Use the 2 minute rule for better email productivity
The 2 minute rule is all about asking yourself the question: Does it take less than 2 minutes to process this email? The answer to this question will determine your next course of action. If the answer is “Yes,” it’s best to reply right away, archive the message, and move on to the next email. Replying to those quick emails right away can save us ample time in the long run. If “No,” then put it on your to-do list, archive it and move on to the next email and better work performance.
27. Use email templates
More often than not, we write emails including emails of introduction, emails of invitation or of a follow up. Such emails might be similar but end up taking loads of our time. Taking out a few minutes to design email templates can prove to be a great tip for time efficiency. Use softwares like to make handy email templates and master your emails for better work performance.
28. Write emails BETTER
Writing inefficient emails is yet another reason we have to deal with too many emails. In order to master your emails, you must learn to write mindfully.
- Firstly, clarify the intention of the email you are writing. Design your email accordingly, highlighting the most important point in the beginning of the email.
- Be clear about what you need from the recipient of the email.
- Make sure that your subject line is short but sums up the intention of the email.
- Keep the email as concise as possible, without skipping any important points.
29. Consume emails sensibly
Your email diet determines how you master your emails everyday. Handling your inbox email management sensibly is the only way to tame your inbox.
- Use the 2 minute rule to decide your first course of action as soon as you receive an email.
- Prioritize how important an email is as compared to the task you have at hand. Manage your to-do list accordingly.
- Flag emails that you need to take a look at later. Make sure the emails you have already dealt with are archived or deleted.
30. Do not be loyal to your subscriptions
Spam like newsletters or product alerts, etc are highly unproductive. In these cases, unsubscribing from these sites is the best way out. Gmail extensions like HelpNinja, Gmail Unsubscriber, Unroll.Me can handle that for better email management. If you need some of these subscriptions, you could make an email id separate from your work or professional email. Thus your work email inbox stays away from too many emails, heads to inbox zero while you master your emails.
Improve your work performance
The above tips can go a long way in helping you better manage your work performance. Our everyday habits heavily affect how we utilize our time and energy. Improving our productivity habits is also necessary to achieve saner mental health.
Quality of work, a good quantity of work, job knowledge, and good working relationships determine a good work performance.
Task performance and contextual performance are two types of job performance.
1. Get rid of distractions for better work performance
2. Choose the Right Tools and Equipment for better work performance
3. Set Realistic Goals
4. Avoid multitasking
5. When are you most productive?
6. Turn off notifications
7. Routines and rituals
8. Play around with your routine sometimes
9. Know when to take a break
10. Know yourself better
11. Productivity calculator
12. Productivity music
13. Podcasts for work performance
14. Chrome extensions that improve work performance
15. Productivity apps for iphone
16. Get some sleep
17. Make the most of your spare time
18. Time yourself for better work performance
19. Shut your email app down
20. Say what you need to say
21. Don’t Wait, Delegate
22. Set boundaries
23. Take it easy
24. Prioritize your health
25. Get started
26. Use the 2 minute rule for better email productivity
27. Use email templates
28. Write emails BETTER
29. Consume emails sensibly
30. Do not be loyal to your subscriptions
Employee performance is all about how a member of staff fulfills the duties of their role, completes required tasks, and behaves in the workplace