Achieving inbox zero is all about using the best inbox zero app and email management tricks. But all email management efforts are worth it if they do not waste your time everyday. Our favorite app for this very purpose is Mailman. Mailman has proven itself as the best inbox zero app of 2021. Dive in to know what makes Mailman the best for you!
Features of the best inbox zero app – Mailman

What makes Mailman the best inbox zero app is its exclusive features. Each one of these features is designed to find its use in all our lives.
1. Do Not Disturb Mode
This tool is an integral part of Mailman’s features as an inbox zero app. The Do Not Disturb mode lets you schedule time periods in which you would prefer to not receive any email notifications. In these time windows, you can concentrate better on the task at hand, while achieving better productivity. This also helps with time management as you get more tasks done in a shorter time. You will still not miss out on any important emails as you can access your email software after the set time period.
2. Delivery Slots
Mailman allows you to decide delivery slots for your emails. This means that you can schedule certain time slots wherein you would like to receive your emails. These time slots could recur hourly throughout the day, as per your convenience. You can also decide the number of delivery slots you wish to have in a day. Thus Mailman allows you to manage your emails at your comfort without compromising on productivity. This feature is yet another reason why we consider Mailman the best email management software as an inbox zero app.
3. Block Unimportant Emails
This inbox zero app reduces most of our email inbox clutter by blocking it. Mailman stringently filters and blocks emails that contain newsletters and similar spam. It also blocks emails from senders that you haven’t interacted with before. These are the sort of emails that you’d perhaps delete altogether or prefer to read them in peace. Mailman provides the exact solution for that in the form of this blocking feature.
4. The VIP List
As there are some emails that need to be blocked, there are also emails that need your attention asap. Mailman allows you to add those certain important senders, domains or keywords to a VIP list. This list makes sure that emails containing information mentioned in the VIP list, can bypass all settings and filters. Thus no matter any prior setting made for better email management, these urgent emails will always find you immediately.
Why use Mailman, the best inbox zero app?
Mailman and its features make it the best inbox zero app for better productivity and time management. But why should you use Mailman at all? Here is your answer:
1. Avoid Distractions with this inbox zero app
Constant email notifications may disrupt your concentration and leave you stunned. The Do Not Disturb feature enables you to manage your time efficiently by putting the email notifications off for the time being. This is one of the best email management applications that make Mailman a good tool for time management. This ‘DO NOT DISTURB’ feature helps us keep our work life from intruding into our free time and thereby increase productivity in work.
2. Stay MIA when you need that extra focus
Most working professionals and busy bees stick to a schedule to meet their deadlines and accomplish their goals. Having a schedule is one of the most effective time management techniques. With Mailman’s Delivery slot, you can update your inbox feed according to the time slot you set.
3. Security comes first with Mailman- the inbox zero app
Mailman, one of the safest email management software, reads only the sender’s subject, address, and the specific date and time of the email communication. This makes Mailman a secure and perfectly safe email management app to use. It does not store any data and provides you with your own space for safe and proper communication. It also allows you the option of permanently deleting your data in just one click.
4. Prioritize better with Mailman
With the VIP list tool, Mailman allows you to choose only those important email messages and conversations which you can’t afford to miss at any cost. And you’ll get notifications and alerts from them even when you’re doing some other work or somewhere else. You’ll also never miss an update and save your time too while using this the best email management app. This tool manages and brings your meaningful collaborations and email messages into focus as the best inbox zero app of 2021.
Use the best inbox zero app Mailman!
Email management is best done using automation techniques like the inbox zero app Mailman. Reaching inbox zero can be achieved within a few clicks every day with the best email management softwares like Mailman. Try Mailman for free and reach inbox zero today!
The inbox zero method is the process of organizing and sorting emails in your inbox such that there are almost no emails left unread to reduce distractions.
1. Unsubscribe from unnecessary subscriptions and newsletters.
2. Use filters and folders to organize email inbox.
3. Set email processing schedules.
4. Use the 2 minute rule while responding to emails.
1. Delete the spam folder.
2. Unsubscribe from spam and newsletters.
3. Delete old emails that are irrelevant.
4. Archive emails that you have processed and might need in the future.
1. Organize your emails using filters and folders.
2. Use flags and stars to highlight important emails.
3. Add emails to a to-do list to prioritize better.
4. Delegate email tasks whenever needed.
Emptying your inbox off clutter can help reduce distractions and focus better.