Our lives are full of one task following another. Be it personal or professional, we are expected to perform these tasks with the utmost efficiency. With good efficiency, we also see an increase in productivity. Productivity is measured as the number of tasks one can complete over a period of time. With better productivity, we can complete more tasks and find time for ourselves and to relax and replenish our energy. Thus knowing what are three ways to increase productivity is essential to achieve our personal and professional goals while also making time for a breather.
What are three ways to increase productivity?

These three ways to increase productivity deal with the three main enemies that we face everyday that hamper our productivity. Using these productivity tips will help you align your priorities while keeping your focus on tasks that really matter. Employ these tips everyday and see your new self achieve all your productivity goals easily!
1. Get away from distractions
We are surrounded by distractions all the time, no matter what we do. These distractions are responsible for our constant loss of focus no matter how hard we try to concentrate. This in turn decreases the quality of whichever task we are handling. During work too, it is easy to get distracted by the many things that call for our attention. Not only does this affect our focus and concentration, but it also negatively affects our productivity.
As more and more distractions catch our eye, the more often do we leave the task at hand to attend to the distraction. Thus we need to refocus our attention on the task every time we get distracted which lowers productivity. This also affects time efficiency as we take longer to complete our tasks. Putting our notifications off is one way of reducing distractions. This helps us be at peace with the task at hand, while also ensuring a superior quality of work. Methods like deep work also use this trick to know what are three ways to increase productivity and enhance efficiency.
2. Set Realistic Goals
The main reason we fail to achieve the goals we set for ourselves is because we fail to set the right goals. Hence one of the main obstacles of achieving high productivity is setting unrealistic goals. If one wants to know how to increase productivity in work at your workplace, then one must know one’s own capabilities. Gauging one’s capability helps one to set realistic, achievable goals. When we understand and realise that the goal we have set is possible, our productivity levels automatically increase to get that goal.
Achieving one’s set target at the end of the day also instills the feeling of satisfaction. This satisfaction with oneself and the efforts one has put, encourages us to continue this momentum. Thus a consistent rise in productivity can be achieved. Hence, to keep this burst of motivation going, one must set short term as well as long term targets for ourselves. Do not forget to keep a track of your progress in achieving these. This sense of achievement will help you achieve more knowing what are three ways to increase productivity.
3. Get some help
The best quality of work with the best of productivity levels, requires a whole army. Hence it is understandable if you alone cannot do it all. Technology helps us in cases like these. When it comes to shallow work tasks like email management, we can do it easily using productivity tools. We can do all shallow tasks with better productivity with proper time management. Using the right email management softwares can help you raise your productivity levels as you stop worrying about managing your emails.
Email management apps like Mailman can help you manage too many emails as you focus on other important tasks. You can automate shallow tasks like these using the right tools and equipment as a tool for productivity. Various other tools for time management too are available. These include ToDoist, Toggl, RescueTime, etc. With better time management, it gets easier to know what are three ways to increase productivity.
Use these tips to know what are three ways to increase productivity
The above three tips form the basis of your journey to achieve your productivity goals. With your productivity and time management skills under control, you can handle all possible pressures. You can do any amount of tasks and projects well when you use their management skills. Knowing what are three ways to increase productivity takes care of the main obstacles that we face everyday. Keeping distractions at bay, setting the goals right using effective tools are all the best ways to improve productivity.