We are in our second year since the Pandemic started. Several things have changed and we are slowly getting used to them. One of these many things is asynchronous work. It has changed our work culture like never before. But is async work even beneficial for productivity? Let’s find out in this article.
Asynchronous work meaning

Before the pandemic hit, work culture consisted of going to a designated office for a designated time period on weekdays. In this workspace, people with different skills from different departments would work together at the same time. But post the pandemic shift, this work culture was difficult to maintain.
Asynchronous work now consists of people working for the same company but at different times. These times could be chosen by the employee or could be decided as per the workflow. More commonly asynchronous work is done while employees work remotely.
Benefits of working remotely with asynchronous work
Asynchronous work is slowly becoming the norm in today’s work culture. But its benefits on one’s work from home productivity is still up for debate. Let us look at some of the benefits that asynchronous work has on one’s efficiency.
1. Flexible schedule
Different people work differently and have different preferences. Our previous work culture made it mandatory for everyone to be productive at the same hours. This is highly impossible given different people are productive at different times. That is some people might feel energetic and focused in the morning while some do in the latter part of the day. Asynchronous work allows everyone to work as per their own schedule.
A flexible work from home culture also lets employees balance their work and their personal life together. Thus an employee can take care of their personal responsibilities while also being productive at work. Hence asynchronous work gives us enough freedom to customise work schedule.
2. Better productivity
With flexibility, asynchronous work has also improved work from home productivity. Research shows that there has been a 13% improvement in worker productivity during the work from home setting. This might be because of the work schedule or because of better focus as a result of the freedom.
Thus asynchronous work and the freedom that comes with it has greatly improved productivity. Add to it the fact that employees now willingly work for long hours only speaks in the favour of async work.
3. More work satisfaction
With better productivity and better flexibility to work, one also sees a great change in our equation with work. Work satisfaction is highly dependent on how productive we are and how our efforts are appreciated. When we see that our work efforts result in good work quality, only then do we feel content with ourselves.
As productivity leads to better work satisfaction, being content also leads to better productivity. The circle of satisfaction and efficiency is one of the main benefits of asynchronous work. Thus async work is responsible for a more satisfying and a more efficient work culture.
4. Better work life balance with asynchronous work
All the above benefits ultimately lead to a healthy work life balance. As async work improves productivity and efficiency, it allows enough space for one to grow. This professional growth makes way for better satisfaction with work and lesser work related anxiety.
With work related activities sorted, one can now also give time to their personal growth. The flexibility of async work allows one enough time to incorporate exercise, healthy food and other healthy lifestyle changes. Along with that, async work also lets us form stronger, better relationships with ourselves and our dear ones. Thus one can finally have a healthy personal life while having a productive work life.
Enjoy the benefits of asynchronous work
Asynchronous work has its pros and cons. But its benefits always outdo its cons. With the unprecedented effect of the pandemic, asynchronous work from home has become unavoidable. Thus it is only fair to look at the brighter side of async work as we get used to this new way of life.
Synchronous work happens when all employees work together at the same time, while asynchronous work happens when everyone works at different times.
Asynchronous work environment serves the schedules of all employees alike. Thus none of them feel the pressure of time while ensuring productivity.
Emails, the World Wide Web, messaging services are examples of asynchronous technology.
Asynchronous tools allow different users to work on and collaborate on that tool, at different periods of time.