Knowing how to manage Gmail emails is an important factor in having an easy corporate life. Gmail is an important means of communication professional world which makes it all the more important to understand how to properly manage your emails without wasting too much time in it.
How to manage Gmail emails in 5 quick tips

Here are 5 simple tips to know how to manage Gmail email and finally get to inbox zero.
1. Use email management softwares everyday
Too many emails might still need more help to be tamed. Various email management softwares for different purposes are now available to know how to manage gmail emails. These form a prime foundation for your email management strategy. Tools like Mailmanhq, EmailAnalytics, Gmelius, etc are highly recommended for better email management.
Email management software functions independently as an app different from your email software. Email extensions, on the other hand, work right within your email software. Extensions like Boomerang, Simple Gmail notes, FlowCrypt Gmail Extension have been touted favorites for email management. Amongst these, Mailmanhq is our favorite app to know how to how to manage Gmail emails everyday and achieve inbox zero.
2. Make a to-do list to know how to manage gmail emails
Emails are basically tasks assigned to us in some form or the other. Converting them into tasks is hence the most strategic thing to do. Firstly, this reduces the number of emails you end up with. Secondly, all your emails will take seconds to comprehend. This not only saves time, but also increases your productivity level as you understand how to how to manage gmail emails.
Email management softwares like ToDoist and Trello function mainly as project management tools. They help convert emails into tasks assigned to you, equipped with reminders and collaborative tools. Completing these tasks, closes the task label while also leading your inbox to zero.
3. Delete what’s least important
Most of the emails in our inboxes are deletable. And these are primarily newsletters or product alerts or something in those lines, that isn’t productive. In these cases, unsubscribing from these sites is the best way out. Gmail extensions like HelpNinja, Gmail Unsubscriber, Unroll.Me can handle that for better email management as you understand how to how to manage Gmail emails.
But what if you need some of these subscriptions? Well in that case, you could make an email id separate from your work or professional email and know how to get your email inbox to zero every day. Thus your work email inbox stays away from too many emails, heads to inbox zero, and you do not miss out on your beloved newsletters.
4. Get rid of email notifications
Email notifications and the distractions they bring along are the main culprit that lower productivity. The humane reaction of needing to check what an email says, is understandable but it greatly hampers the task at hand leading us to understand the importance of knowing how to manage gmail emails. Switching off those notifications is the only way for better email management here. Desktop notifications, mobile notifications need to be done away with. They not only break one’s focus but also make it harder for us to get back to work.
The common fear against putting those notifications off is that one might miss important emails. But scheduling and dealing with emails at only certain periods will ensure that you stay up to date. And well, if any email does have an emergency, the sender will obviously give you a call.
5. Process your inbox like a pro
Email management is more smart work than hard work. We are all knee-deep in emails no matter what we do, and are in desperate need of Inbox zero in Gmail. But achieving that dream is possible only if you manage your emails efficiently. Knowing how to how to manage gmail emails is about dealing with too many emails which can be done in these 3 simple ways:
(1) Get rid of spam
They can be dealt with right away by deleting them and walking your Gmail to Inbox zero.
(2) Find the emails you can answer now
There are always those quick reply emails that you can deal with in a second. These are the ones for whom you do not have to do another task to have a fitting reply. Deal with these first and delete or archive them.
(3) Turn longer emails into tasks
For the ones that you cannot deal with and delete right away, turn them into tasks. Apps like Todoist, Slack will help you make a to-do list out of your emails. Describe the task in a line and get back to it when you know you will work your best.
Manage your Gmail emails better
The best way to manage your Gmail emails is to know how and where you spend most of your time in your inbox and how much of the time is actually productive. This can be easily done using email productivity calculators like the one mentioned here. Use the calculator along with the aforementioned email management tips to nail your email productivity.
1. Delete spam folder.
2. Organize emails into filters and folders.
3. Use labels and stars to mark emails as important.
4. Delete old, irrelevant emails.
5. Archive any emails that you have processed but cannot delete.
1. Use filters and folders to organize emails.
2. Star or flag important emails to differentiate them.
3. Convert emails to to-do lists to get through them easily.
4. Snooze emails that need more work to get done.
1. Filter Emails. Log into your Gmail inbox.
2. Select all messages. Next, check a little box under the search bar to select all displayed messages.
3. Select all Conversations.
4. Delete all Messages.
5. Empty Trash.
Select All emails, and select all conversations, then click the Trash icon.